Pathlab Chatbot

Build a healthcare chatbot to allow people to download their reports on their devices.

Things it can do

Instant Access to Information
Automated Test Result Delivery
Real-time Assistance
Cost-Effective Customer Support
User-Friendly Tool
Try on WhatsApp ⚡️

More about Pathlab Chatbot

When somebody in the family is ill, the caretaker is the person who is in need of information like nearby doctors, patlabs, and their directions and timings. You can automate providing all this information and make it available at their fingertips. Build a Patlab chatbot driven by the WhatsApp API to eliminate the need for physically collecting test results from the lab and stay in touch with the staff there for any further assistance.

Discover more.

WhatsApp - Facebook - Instagram collectively dominate the social media messaging landscape. Harness this power with one of the fastest-growing WhatsApp Business Platform

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