Copilot for Agents

Manage agent unavailability and welcome customers promptly

Send Welcome Messages to Greet Customers

New customers are naturally curious about your business, and they anticipate a prompt response when they reach out. Send an automated welcome notification to greet customers and prevent any potential loss.

Send Out-of-office Message

Engage customers even outside business hours by deploying out-of-office notifications. Setup message for unavailability and assure customers that their inquiries will be addressed upon your return.

Personalize Messaging

Personalize your interactions by configuring welcome messages, welcome-back messages, and unavailability messages using user and system attributes. Incorporate details such as the customer's first name, agent name, and company name to make messages relevant.

WhatsApp Advantage

Simple conversations to end-to-end human-centric automations

A co-pilot for today’s customer service agents

Ensure uninterrupted customer communication 24/7 with WhatsApp Agent Assist. Initiate conversations even when agents are occupied with other tasks.
Proactively inform customers about agent unavailability and seamlessly guide them to an automated customer journey, like a chatbot, for assistance. This guarantees ongoing support and a smooth customer experience.
Implement automated chat closures aligned with your company's SLAs. Furthermore, establish a feedback collection process to gather valuable insights from customers.
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Improve average handle time (AHT)

Increase first contact resolution (FCR) rates

Boost overall customer and employee satisfaction

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